GROUP PHOTO NAMES (left to right)
GROUP 1: Norma Graham, Ivy Freeburne, Ruby
McClelland, Sam Caul, Isobel Johnson, Arnold Hatch, Drew Boyd, Ivan
Gracey[Maths], Jack Woolsey, Florence Gracey[Geog], Sammy
Jones[Science] and Arthur Chapman[French/German].
GROUP 2: Ruby McClelland, Sam Caul, James
Uprichard, Isobel Johnson, Arnold Hatch & Drew Boyd.
GROUP 3: [back row] Alastair Uprichard, Florence
and Ivan Gracey, Isobel Johnson. Ivy Freeburne, Norma Graham and
Ruby McClelland, Drew Boyd and Doris Dickson.
[in foreground] Sam Caul, Jack Woolsey & Arnold Hatch.
GROUP 4: Muriel Woolsey, Drew Boyd, Alix Jardine &
Norma Graham
GROUP 5: Jack Woolsey, Florence Gracey, Sammy Jones
& Arthur Chapman
GROUP 6: Isobel Johnson, Robert Abraham, Ivan
Gracey & Arthur Chapman
GROUP 7: Ruby McClelland, Isobel Johnson, Robert
Abraham & Ivan Gracey
GROUP 8: Sam Forbes, Jim Whitten, Robert Abraham &
Doris Dickson
GROUP 9: Isobel Johnson, Arnold Hatch, Drew Boyd,
Ivan Gracey & Jack Woolsey